Punto de encuentro para la exposición de creaciones personales derivadas O NO del mundo POKéMONesco.
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De paseo por la Casa Treta
De paseo por la Casa Treta
Mensajes: 822
Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 4:34 pm


Mensajepor LatiasAltomare »

ok queridos compañeros, con el fic de Pokemon no fue mucho el exito...
Pero esoty escribiendo una historia en ingles, se que se les dificultara leerla un poco pero igual espero que les guste, cualquier comentario critica y/o sugerencia esta bien recibido: especialmente preguntas sobre vocabulario.

Bueno aqui va el primer capitulo

Chapter 1 on the bus
It’s a day just like another Monday. Pancakes for breakfast and daily uniform. Bus 35, sit down with Diana and chat about classroom gossips, sounds like a normal day for me. But, little did I know this day was about to change my life for ever. But to get started you just might want to know about me first. My name is Sean. I’m a twelve year old kid who happens to be in sixth grade. And a very important detail I need to tell, I am nuts for videogames. Oh and by the way, I certainly tell very bad jokes! Well in November the 14th, after my daily routine in my house, I came upon an old friend of the bus. I recall waving at him, and he didn’t wave back. “How impolite” I thought as I was getting closer to Diana’s seat. She was a sweet, tender girl with a different hair look every day. Today she was only wearing a long pony tail.
-“You will not guess what happened!”
I could not just sit there with her and not say anything before the conversation of Dina Albers, so I gave it a little suspense.
-“Tell me know or I’ll knock your knuckles out of your hand” she said in a quite quick way. Sometimes her sweet ways got lost in my eyes. She even got me a whole day in the nursery because of her friendly-aggression, as she used to call it.
-“OK, OK you win!” I answered “Sheeshhhh, when are you just going to try to guess! I already know what is in the bag for this Christmas, and it is Big!”
-“Here is your guessing chance” she said in an awful sad tune “Let me guess, hmmm… You’ll get a video game like the one you’d been talking since December of the last year!”
-“Oooh, so close. I’ve only been bragging of it since February this year, Mario Party 7!”
Diana had always helped me when I needed her and besides she was a great listener (even when what she had to listen was out of her favorite topics). So her frown became a big smile when I told her that.
-“I wish my parents would even remember that I exist” she said in a REALLY sad manner.
-“Why is that?”
-“I’m exaggerating a bit. They do know about me, but they think I’m still a 2 year old kid. It’s not fair that while my friends receive the coolest clothing, I receive baby dolls”
-“You could talk to them”
-“I’d wish that it was that easy”
-“Gee, I never realized that it would be so tough for you to receive the gift you wanted”
-“The good thing is Christmas isn’t about presents, but it is about love and caring”
-“You’re completely right”

Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
Mensajes: 148
Registrado: Dom Sep 17, 2006 11:26 am

Mensajepor raro »

esta muy bueno seguilo!! se entendio todo el ingles!
una cosa no deberia ir en la seccin fan fics??
grupo de mi fic ... hp?t=10977 hasta ahora (visitenlo):
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De paseo por la Casa Treta
De paseo por la Casa Treta
Mensajes: 822
Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 4:34 pm

Mensajepor LatiasAltomare »

bueno, me alegra mucho que alquien lo haya leido!
La verdad pense en ponerlo ahi (donde los fic) pero como ahi todos son de Pokemon, preferi ponerlo aqui.
El verdadero porposito de este cuento que estoy escribiendo es poderselo dar a mi mejor amiga, pues aqui enfatizo el valor de su amistad, por eso necesitava criticas XD

Ahora tengo una pregunta: que tan seguido deberia publicar los capitulos?

Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
Mensajes: 148
Registrado: Dom Sep 17, 2006 11:26 am

Mensajepor raro »

pues yo creo que deberias hacerlo lo mas antes posible entiendes! por ejemplo si hiciste un capitulo postealo! pero una cosa debe pasar un dia para que puedas hacer doble post! porque si tardas mucho entre un capi y el otro se pierde la emocion y las ganas de leerlo!
grupo de mi fic ... hp?t=10977 hasta ahora (visitenlo):
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De paseo por la Casa Treta
De paseo por la Casa Treta
Mensajes: 822
Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 4:34 pm

Mensajepor LatiasAltomare »

entendido, pondre entonces el capitulo 2

Chapter 2 the dream
After some minutes of careless talking about those tough quizzes, we got to a really strange topic.
-“So that is my wildest dream” Diana said.
-“Gee, that is wild! Beasts, ha-ha!” I laughed a lot “But I had an even wilder dream. Not wild like crazy, but as wicked cool!”
-“Well tell me”
-“This new teacher loved your sister, a teacher then appreciated my talents and then Dina and Tina fought for me”
-“The two cousins that love you with all their heart?” Diana was surprised.
-“Yes those two” I sighed. A goose bump entered me. Shivers and a cold got to me when I heard their names: Dina Albers and Tina Rosemary.
-“But then, something better happened in this dream” Diana got close to me. She seemed very excited. “A new girl came to the school, to our grade, to sixth A”
-“What was her name?”
-“I also would like to know”
-“What do you mean?”
-“I can’t remember her name, although I remember her beautiful face, hair, eyes, and her graceful ways” I was frustrated. “<How could I forget her name? It was a beautiful name so pretty and majestic>” Well, at least I remembered what happened in the dream.
-“So, what happened next?” Diana was curious and very anxious. I saw how her eyes broke down my body to get out my brain and see what I had seen in that odd dream.
-“Well, she became a very good friend of yours and of Jane too. You were an unstoppable trio. I fell in love with her. But I was her best friend, how could I tell her I loved her and ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend? And besides she loved Max.
-“Max? Ewww!!!! He is the most horrible kid in the whole universe! I’d rather marry an alien!”
-“Well, the case is she loved him. And I was jealous. I was madder than a dog with rabies. And I was decided to be her boyfriend. So, I told Max of This girl’s secret. He was going to say no immediately, just when she would’ve asked. Then, she asked him to be her boyfriend. He answered no. Her heart was broken”
-“Sorry to interrupt but is time for getting of the bus and go to the lockers”
-“You’re right”
After, getting of the bus we went to our lockers. We got out the material for our classes. Group Direction, Ethic and Values and I.S. were the first classes on Monday. I then told Diana:
-“I’ll tell you the rest in recess. Ok?”
-“Yeah, sure”
The bell made its unforgettable sound: RRRRRRRRRRiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg!

pd: <> estos simbolos representan pensamientos

Mojándose con Misty
Mojándose con Misty
Mensajes: 34
Registrado: Dom Oct 22, 2006 3:41 pm

Mensajepor >>>>eslayk&lt »

muy bueno siguelo pronto

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Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
Mensajes: 146
Registrado: Vie Oct 20, 2006 5:06 pm

Mensajepor Trigrish »

esta muy bueno! me gusta mucho! que raro el sueño, espero que a tu amiga le guste!

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De paseo por la Casa Treta
De paseo por la Casa Treta
Mensajes: 822
Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 4:34 pm

Mensajepor LatiasAltomare »

Capitulo tres, espero que les guste

Chapter 3 in the Classes
I’ll try to make a general sketch of my classmates and their positions.
First row: Andrew, Nick, Rodriguez, a empty Space (very important space) and me.
Andrew is a very special kid. He suffered a lot in his childhood but now he is more open to us (because he is in love of Diana!!!!). Nick is funny, but offensive. He sometimes tries to hurt other people’s feelings. Rodriguez is a very funny guy, although he has a hyperactive meter. Second row: Jimenez a very, very sensitive child. He cries because his been told he was the best in a quiz (and not tears of joy!!) Mario: too mean when he wants to. He is the most gossipy child of them all. Nathalie is a very joyful girl, although she doesn’t look like that. She is the girl that almost made me change radically. Ann she likes to fight, fight and fight. She wants the spotlight for her all the time. Then my nightmare, beginning the third row. She is so terrible I won’t describe her, for the sake of your mind!! Following her is Claire. She is the changing girl (or pop corn) Linn is a very hypocrite girl, although she’s rather sweet. Mathew is a very smart boy, happy, kind, funny but a little discriminator. Starting the Fourth Row is Carlos our group director’s favorite. He is very intelligent and wise. Harold comes next, his temper is rather unknown but he can be very smart if he put heart to it. James is the following one in the row. He is a cool guy, and isn’t offensive. He has good relationships with a part of the class and is very good looking. I would really like him to be my friend (like my best friend) Jane is a good, kind and Smart girl. She is believed to be the best looking girl of seventh grade. And last of the row is Sam. He is the kind of guy who makes you laugh and is serious when he has to. On the fifth row Is Belkeess strangest name and the “dark side of the card” Behind her is David, not the sweetest Strawberry of the patch, if you know what I mean. Diana was behind, and behind her was Nubia. She is a good friend of mine. Nubia is mature and has gone through many things. I really like that she is my friend. On the next row is Valo (another strange name) he is…. Like a sweet and sour candy, he really is a dandy! Up next is Angie, she is a bit dumb, and it takes time for her to get things inside her head. Then follows Tania, a too innocent girl, a too superficial girl and she likes to have everyone in her hand. Lauren is a hyperactive and hypocrite. And for last was Tellez, a cool guy, but a stupid guy. Each and every one of them where the reason of important things through out my life. This was the class we truly loved.

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Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
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Registrado: Vie Oct 20, 2006 5:06 pm

Mensajepor Trigrish »

bueno, eso lo considero como un capitulo de ambientacion...
no muy intrigante, pero no baja la calidad. Ese es tu curso de verdad?

Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
Mensajes: 148
Registrado: Dom Sep 17, 2006 11:26 am

Mensajepor raro »

si es verdad el capitulo es para orientarnos y contarnos como era su salon de clases seguro que luego viene la mayor trama!! muy bueno seguilo!
grupo de mi fic ... hp?t=10977 hasta ahora (visitenlo):
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De paseo por la Casa Treta
De paseo por la Casa Treta
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Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 4:34 pm

Mensajepor LatiasAltomare »

Capitulo Dramatico!!! Mucha Atencion!!!

Chapter 4 the party preparations
“Two weeks away from the winter vacation, I hope everyone is prepared for Christmas and the New Year: 2006!” Bernard, our group director was very sweet, but a bit childish. Besides, he has preferences that are quite notorious. Well, anyways were at the end of our normal year, but at the end of the first half of the school year. Ann was preparing things for a party to celebrate the first half of school was over. “Ann will answer every question about the party, besides she’s the social club class president” Bernard said “she is now planning the things everyone will bring” Ann stud up and began speaking, making her long and no sense speech. Well the weeks passed and the last day of school came. Everyone brought their things and a bit of money for a pizza. Of course, Ann was recollecting the money when Mathew stood up and said: “I want to know exactly what MY money is going to be invested on” Ann answered: “the money will be for a pizza I will order with five witnesses, and everyone will eat of that pizza including teachers and maids”. “Maids!!!” Mathew shouted of anger “what do maids and teachers do for us so we give them a slice of pizza, when If I’m not wrong, we could eat another slice each one of us” Ann got REALLY ANGRY “come on! Maids and Teachers do everything for this school! Without them ther wouldn’t be a school!” Mathew answered: “If there weren’t students, there wouldn’t be a school either!” I stood up: “hey calm down, both of you, don’t be arrogant” Both answered: “shut up!” I exploded I n unison: “No one tells me to shut up! You two shut up! You’re not letting others pay attention to the class!” “See?!?” Mathew shouted “ if we weren’t here, there wouldn’t be a class!” Jane stood up: “Well, if maids are going to receive more than me, I won’t give my money” I got as mad as possible. “Come on! You won’t give the money?!? You’ll ruin our order, there won’t be enough money! And besides, maids are very important” Rodriguez said calmly: “Well, then I’ll give more money” Nubia then sadi: “Then I won’t give my money” Jane said: “Now everybody don’t give your money, I bet Rich Rodriguez has enough miney for a single pizza for him!” “What are you saying?! You called me rich?” If there is one thing that Rodriguez hated was to be called rich. “You stupid girl!!!” Then everyone got involved in this fight! Fists, Legs and Hairs flew through the whole class. The teacher only commented: “I hope they would learn math as they fight” Then, Diana gathered all her courage and shouted: “Calm Down!!” Silence then reigned through the whole classroom. Mathew and Ann interrupted their fight, Nubia and me stopped the cry-fight, Rodriguez and Jane stopped shouting, everyone stopped to shout in unison to Diana: “SHUT UP!!!” She then shrank in size and disappeared in her seat. Then the door opened and Bernard Shouted: “What’s going on??” Everyone took their seats. “This is a complete ruckus!, can someone explain what happened here??” Everyone was planning to keep it a secret when Dina Albers spoke up: “They were fighting over a pizza!! And worse they used Bad Words!!” ooh! How did I hate that girl! She could buy me lunch everyday but, she telled everything!! AND EVEN WORSE, SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH ME!!! She had my name written in all of her notebooks, and even butterflies and hearts!! Well, continuing the story… “My kids” (Bernard called us like that) “ I think that it is time that you learn to cooperate. What’s wrong with giving pizza to the maids and the teachers?” The rest was bla, bla, bla to me. At the end of his speech he said: “Ann give me the money” Ann had the money in an envelope, and she said: “you want the money, take it!!!” She threw the envelope right when a tear came from her eye. The envelope fell right in Bernard’s feet. Everyone gasped. Was this the end of Ann?? We could only see Bernard looking at the ground, and he slowly lifted his face….

Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
Mensajes: 148
Registrado: Dom Sep 17, 2006 11:26 am

Mensajepor raro »

me costo un poco leerlo pero muy bueno igual amigo! seguilo!
grupo de mi fic ... hp?t=10977 hasta ahora (visitenlo):
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Derribando los plumíferos de Alana
Derribando los plumíferos de Alana
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Registrado: Mar Sep 12, 2006 8:38 am

Mensajepor Davey »

e leido los 4 episidios son muy buenos seria estupendo que lo siguieras y es mas es que te enfocastes en la escritura en ingles muy bien por ti yo te apoyo con eso porfavor sigue la historia y me gusto el 3 episodio el de orientacion es bueno que expliques a cada personaje y que llegen y digue de donde aperecio rodrigez o andrew jejeje fuen muy buen en cuanto el ultimo que emocion y suspenso y un poco de... bueno ya sabes en piesa por violen... jejeje bueno en fin se estupendo que sigas las historia ue yo la leere jejeje

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Disfrutando a Lorelei
Disfrutando a Lorelei
Mensajes: 146
Registrado: Vie Oct 20, 2006 5:06 pm

Mensajepor Trigrish »

q le pasara a Ann?? o por dios??? auxilio!!!

Buenisimo, me siento perteneciente a la historia!!! Mu y buena!!