[KK] Bob Esponja's Team:
Raichu (F) @ Silk Scarf
Trait: Static
EVs: 112 Atk / 75 Def / 124 Spd / 101 SAtk / 98 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Thundershock
- Toxic
- Quick Attack
- Protect
Omanyte (M) @ (No Item)
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 58 Atk / 160 Def / 62 Spd / 144 SAtk / 86 SDef
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Mud Shot
- Hidden Power [Dark]
- Waterfall
Silcoon (M) @ Metal Coat
Trait: Shed Skin
EVs: 113 Atk / 195 Def / 48 Spd / 81 SAtk / 73 SDef
Lax Nature (+Def, -SDef)
- Harden
- Poison Sting
- String Shot
- Tackle
Zangoose (M) @ (No Item)
Trait: Immunity
EVs: 139 Atk / 81 Def / 121 Spd / 81 SAtk / 88 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Giga Drain
- Quick Attack
- False Swipe
- Thunder Wave
Forretress (F) @ (No Item)
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 117 Atk / 182 Def / 47 Spd / 86 SAtk / 78 SDef
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Zap Cannon
- Dig
- Swagger
- Rock Smash
Mantine (M) @ Aspear Berry
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 52 Atk / 91 Def / 91 Spd / 114 SAtk / 162 SDef
Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)
- Swift
- Snore
- Confuse Ray
- Rock Slide
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Team:
Pidgeot (M) @ Mental Herb
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 106 Atk / 89 Def / 121 Spd / 93 SAtk / 101 SDef
Gentle Nature (+SDef, -Def)
- Double-Edge
- Endure
- Attract
- Mimic
Pidgeotto (F) @ King's Rock
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 108 Atk / 99 Def / 115 Spd / 90 SAtk / 98 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Swift
- Rain Dance
- Mud-Slap
- Quick Attack
Ampharos (F) @ Mystic Water
Trait: Static
EVs: 93 Atk / 84 Def / 68 Spd / 142 SAtk / 123 SDef
Gentle Nature (+SDef, -Def)
- Fire Punch
- Toxic
- Screech
- Dynamicpunch
Mudkip (M) @ Mental Herb
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 1 HP / 137 Atk / 108 Def / 78 Spd / 88 SAtk / 98 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Return
- Endeavor
- Swagger
- Whirlpool
Kyogre @ Poison Barb
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 80 Atk / 80 Def / 80 Spd / 146 SAtk / 124 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Icy Wind
- Body Slam
- Water Pulse
- Swift
Haunter (M) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 1 HP / 70 Atk / 63 Def / 146 Spd / 161 SAtk / 69 SDef
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Giga Drain
- Psywave
- Nightmare
- Astonish
Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Challenge Cup
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Disallow Spectators
[KK] Bob Esponja vs Vinioly (Cenando). Begin!
[KK] Bob Esponja sent out Raichu (Lv.67 Raichu)!
[KK] Bob Esponja sent out Omanyte (Lv.78 Omanyte)!
Vinioly (Cenando) sent out Pidgeot (Lv.68 Pidgeot)!
Vinioly (Cenando) sent out Pidgeotto (Lv.76 Pidgeotto)!
[KK] Bob Esponja: REVANCHA
[KK] Bob Esponja: a cortar cabezas
Vinioly (Cenando): ok
Vinioly (Cenando): xD
[KK] Bob Esponja: no tendras un no?
Begin Turn #1
Raichu used Thundershock!
(35% damage to Pidgeot)
It's super effective!
Pidgeot used Double-Edge!
(36 damage to Omanyte)
It's not very effective...
Pidgeot is hit with recoil!
Pidgeotto used Swift!
(32 damage to Raichu)
(9 damage to Omanyte)
It's not very effective...
Omanyte flinched!
End of turn #1
[KK] Bob Esponja's Raichu: 141 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 114 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Pidgeot: 59% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Pidgeotto: 100% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): XD
[KK] Bob Esponja: >.<
[CH]Chavo del ocho has started watching.
Begin Turn #2
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack!
(41 damage to Raichu)
Raichu's Static paralyzed Pidgeotto! It may be unable to move!
Raichu used Thundershock!
(35% damage to Pidgeot)
It's super effective!
Pidgeot used Double-Edge!
(100 damage to Raichu)
Pidgeot is hit with recoil!
Raichu fainted!
[CH]Chavo del ocho: u.u
[CH]Chavo del ocho has left.
[KK] Bob Esponja: >-<
[KK] Bob Esponja: Adelante three
[KK] Bob Esponja sent out Silcoon (Lv.96 Silcoon)!
Omanyte used Surf!
(8% damage to Pidgeot)
Pidgeot fainted!
(37% damage to Pidgeotto)
Vinioly (Cenando): > : - D
[KK] Bob Esponja: O.o metronome
Vinioly (Cenando): adelante idgey
Vinioly (Cenando): *
[KK] Bob Esponja: XD
Vinioly (Cenando) sent out Mudkip (Lv.83 Mudkip)!
End of turn #2
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 226 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 114 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Mudkip: 100% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Pidgeotto: 63% HP (Par)
[KK] Bob Esponja: three es mejor
Vinioly (Cenando): el clan KK rlz
Vinioly (Cenando): xD
[KK] Bob Esponja: three hiperrayo
Begin Turn #3
Mudkip used Whirlpool!
(15 damage to Omanyte)
Omanyte was trapped in the vortex!
Omanyte used Surf!
(24% damage to Mudkip)
It's not very effective...
(39% damage to Pidgeotto)
Silcoon used Poison Sting!
(6% damage to Pidgeotto)
Pidgeotto is paralyzed! It can't move!
Omanyte is hurt by Whirlpool!
End of turn #3
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 226 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 90 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Mudkip: 76% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Pidgeotto: 18% HP (Par)
[KK] Bob Esponja: >.<
[KK] Bob Esponja: porque no usa hiperrayo?
Begin Turn #4
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack!
(11 damage to Omanyte)
It's not very effective...
Mudkip used Whirlpool!
(15 damage to Omanyte)
Omanyte used Surf!
(21% damage to Mudkip)
It's not very effective...
(18% damage to Pidgeotto)
Pidgeotto fainted!
[KK] Bob Esponja: ......
[KK] Bob Esponja: eoooooooooooooooo
Vinioly (Cenando) sent out Haunter (Lv.71 Haunter)!
Silcoon used Poison Sting!
(3% damage to Haunter)
It's not very effective...
Omanyte's Mago Berry restored health!
Omanyte is hurt by Whirlpool!
End of turn #4
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 226 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 74 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Mudkip: 55% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Haunter: 97% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): a?
Vinioly (Cenando): nuse
Vinioly (Cenando): xD
Begin Turn #5
Haunter used Psywave!
Haunter's attack missed!
Mudkip used Endeavor!
(126 damage to Silcoon)
Omanyte used Hidden Power!
(38% damage to Haunter)
It's super effective!
Silcoon used Tackle!
(14% damage to Mudkip)
Omanyte was freed from Whirlpool!
End of turn #5
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 100 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 74 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Mudkip: 41% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Haunter: 59% HP
Begin Turn #6
Haunter used Psywave!
Haunter's attack missed!
Mudkip used Endeavor!
But it failed!
Omanyte used Hidden Power!
(33% damage to Haunter)
It's super effective!
Silcoon used Tackle!
(12% damage to Mudkip)
End of turn #6
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 100 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 74 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Mudkip: 29% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Haunter: 26% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): >_>
[KK] Bob Esponja: Hablo de amores dormidooooooos que sienten mil besos prohibidos
Begin Turn #7
Haunter used Psywave!
Haunter's attack missed!
Mudkip used Endeavor!
(21 damage to Omanyte)
Omanyte used Hidden Power!
(26% damage to Haunter)
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
Haunter fainted!
Vinioly (Cenando): .________________.
Vinioly (Cenando) sent out Kyogre (Lv.52 Kyogre)!
Kyogre's Drizzle made it rain!
[KK] Bob Esponja: cantaaaaa
Silcoon used Tackle!
(23% damage to Mudkip)
A critical hit!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #7
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 100 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Omanyte: 53 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Mudkip: 6% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Kyogre: 100% HP
[KK] Bob Esponja: todavia cenas?
Begin Turn #8
Omanyte used Surf!
(6% damage to Mudkip)
It's not very effective...
Mudkip fainted!
(23% damage to Kyogre)
It's not very effective...
Vinioly (Cenando): no
Vinioly (Cenando): XD
Vinioly (Cenando) sent out Ampharos (Lv.66 Ampharos)!
[KK] Bob Esponja: XD
Kyogre used Water Pulse!
(53 damage to Omanyte)
Omanyte fainted!
[KK] Bob Esponja: thunder?
[KK] Bob Esponja sent out Forretress (Lv.69 Forretress)!
Silcoon used Poison Sting!
(6% damage to Kyogre)
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #8
[KK] Bob Esponja's Silcoon: 100 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Forretress: 185 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 100% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Kyogre: 71% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): no
Begin Turn #9
Kyogre used Water Pulse!
(100 damage to Silcoon)
Silcoon fainted!
Vinioly (Cenando): fire punch
Vinioly (Cenando): XD
[KK] Bob Esponja: XD
[KK] Bob Esponja sent out Mantine (Lv.69 Mantine)!
Ampharos used Fire Punch!
(139 damage to Forretress)
It's super effective!
Forretress used Zap Cannon!
Forretress's attack missed!
Rain continues to fall.
Forretress's Wiki Berry restored health!
End of turn #9
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 177 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Forretress: 69 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 100% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Kyogre: 71% HP
Begin Turn #10
Mantine used Confuse Ray!
Ampharos became confused!
Kyogre used Body Slam!
(33 damage to Mantine)
Ampharos is confused!
Ampharos used Fire Punch!
(69 damage to Forretress)
It's super effective!
Forretress fainted!
[KK] Bob Esponja sent out Zangoose (Lv.67 Zangoose)!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #10
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 144 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Zangoose: 194 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 100% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Kyogre: 71% HP
Begin Turn #11
Mantine used Confuse Ray!
Kyogre became confused!
Zangoose used Giga Drain!
(25% damage to Kyogre)
It's super effective!
Kyogre had its energy drained!
Kyogre is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Ampharos snapped out of confusion!
Ampharos used Toxic!
Zangoose's Immunity prevents poisoning!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #11
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 144 HP
[KK] Bob Esponja's Zangoose: 194 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 100% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Kyogre: 35% HP
[KK] Bob Esponja: MUHAhahahahaha
Vinioly (Cenando): >.<
Begin Turn #12
Zangoose used Quick Attack!
(26% damage to Kyogre)
Mantine used Rock Slide!
(8% damage to Ampharos)
(8% damage to Kyogre)
Kyogre snapped out of confusion!
Kyogre used Body Slam!
(34 damage to Mantine)
Mantine is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Ampharos used Toxic!
But it failed!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #12
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 110 HP (Par)
[KK] Bob Esponja's Zangoose: 194 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 92% HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Kyogre: 1% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): 1 PS
Vinioly (Cenando): XD
Vinioly (Cenando): WTF
[KK] Bob Esponja: XD
Begin Turn #13
Zangoose used Quick Attack!
(1% damage to Kyogre)
A critical hit!
Kyogre fainted!
Ampharos used Dynamicpunch!
(125 damage to Zangoose)
It's super effective!
Zangoose became confused!
Mantine is paralyzed! It can't move!
Rain continues to fall.
Zangoose's Oran Berry restored health!
End of turn #13
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 110 HP (Par)
[KK] Bob Esponja's Zangoose: 79 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 92% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): ¬¬'
[KK] Bob Esponja: critical XD
Vinioly (Cenando): XD
Begin Turn #14
Zangoose is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Ampharos used Fire Punch!
(31 damage to Zangoose)
Mantine used Confuse Ray!
Ampharos became confused!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #14
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 110 HP (Par)
[KK] Bob Esponja's Zangoose: 8 HP
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 92% HP
Begin Turn #15
Zangoose is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Zangoose fainted!
Ampharos is confused!
Ampharos used Fire Punch!
(8 damage to Mantine)
It's not very effective...
Mantine used Rock Slide!
(15% damage to Ampharos)
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #15
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 102 HP (Par)
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 77% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): > : - )
[KK] Bob Esponja: >.<
Begin Turn #16
Ampharos is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Mantine used Rock Slide!
(13% damage to Ampharos)
[KK] Bob Esponja: XD
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #16
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 102 HP (Par)
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 49% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): ó.ò
Begin Turn #17
Ampharos is confused!
Ampharos used Dynamicpunch!
Ampharos's attack missed!
Mantine used Rock Slide!
(14% damage to Ampharos)
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #17
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 102 HP (Par)
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 35% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): ¬¬'
Begin Turn #18
Ampharos snapped out of confusion!
Ampharos used Dynamicpunch!
(29 damage to Mantine)
It's not very effective...
Mantine became confused!
Mantine is confused!
Mantine used Rock Slide!
Mantine's attack missed!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #18
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 73 HP (Par)
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 35% HP
Vinioly (Cenando): XD
[KK] Bob Esponja: SHIT
Begin Turn #19
Ampharos used Screech!
Mantine's Defense sharply fell!
Mantine is confused!
Mantine used Confuse Ray!
Ampharos became confused!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #19
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 73 HP (Par)
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 35% HP
Begin Turn #20
Ampharos is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Mantine is confused!
Mantine used Rock Slide!
(14% damage to Ampharos)
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #20
[KK] Bob Esponja's Mantine: 73 HP (Par)
Vinioly (Cenando)'s Ampharos: 6% HP
[KK] Bob Esponja: O.O
Vinioly (Cenando): >_>>_>_>__>_>>_
Begin Turn #21
Ampharos snapped out of confusion!
Ampharos used Dynamicpunch!
Ampharos's attack missed!
Mantine snapped out of confusion!
Mantine used Swift!
(6% damage to Ampharos)
Ampharos fainted!
End Battle! [KK] Bob Esponja wins!
Score: 1 to 0
[KK] Bob Esponja: Bob Esponja es el mejor
Vinioly (Cenando): gg
[KK] Bob Esponja: TOMA
Vinioly (Cenando): ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
[KK] Bob Esponja: toma
[KK] Bob Esponja: toma
Vinioly (Cenando): ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
Vinioly (Cenando): ss
Vinioly (Cenando): vsf
Vinioly (Cenando): g
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sadf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): dsaf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdaf
Vinioly (Cenando): sad
Vinioly (Cenando): fadsf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): asdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdfa
Vinioly (Cenando): sdfa
Vinioly (Cenando): fsda
Vinioly (Cenando): fsd
Vinioly (Cenando): asdf
Vinioly (Cenando): fds
Vinioly (Cenando): sdfa
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): dfs
Vinioly (Cenando): dfs
Vinioly (Cenando): dfsfsd
Vinioly (Cenando): dfd
Vinioly (Cenando): saf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdfsdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdaf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
[KK] Bob Esponja: para stats?
Vinioly (Cenando): ds
Vinioly (Cenando): sdfd
Vinioly (Cenando): sfa
Vinioly (Cenando): sfd
Vinioly (Cenando): sdaffsd
Vinioly (Cenando): fsd
Vinioly (Cenando): fsd
Vinioly (Cenando): sad
Vinioly (Cenando): fsd
Vinioly (Cenando): sadf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdf
Vinioly (Cenando): sdfa
Vinioly (Cenando): asfd
Vinioly (Cenando): fdsok
Vinioly (Cenando): xD
NetBattle v0.9.6
Log saved 05/08/2006 at 23:42:12
XD Gane por suerte XD Combate chorra Vs Vinioly Cenando
- xMoo
- En horizonte a Sinnoh
- Mensajes: 2815
- Registrado: Vie Abr 14, 2006 9:59 am