-Saint Mu- vs Maestro Arena --- CC

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Mensajes: 447
Registrado: Jue Mar 30, 2006 7:44 pm

-Saint Mu- vs Maestro Arena --- CC

Mensajepor Latios_21 »

Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Challenge Cup
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Disallow Spectators
Metro Maestro Arena vs -Saint Mu-[CC]. Begin!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Gardevoir (Lv.62 Gardevoir)!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Ninetales (Lv.66 Ninetales)!
Gardevoir Traced Ninetales's Flash Fire!

Begin Turn #1
Metro Maestro Arena withdrew Gardevoir!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Milotic (Lv.60 Milotic)!
Ninetales used Frustration!
(33% damage)
End of turn #1
Metro Maestro Arena's Milotic: 67% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ninetales: 184 HP

Begin Turn #2
-Saint Mu-[CC] withdrew Ninetales!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Psyduck (Lv.79 Psyduck)!
Milotic used Water Pulse!
(59 damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
End of turn #2
Metro Maestro Arena's Milotic: 67% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Psyduck: 123 HP

Begin Turn #3
Metro Maestro Arena withdrew Milotic!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Gardevoir (Lv.62 Gardevoir)!
Gardevoir Traced Psyduck's Cloud Nine!
Psyduck used Hypnosis!
Psyduck's attack missed!
End of turn #3
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Psyduck: 123 HP

Begin Turn #4
Psyduck used Hypnosis!
Psyduck's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(123 damage)
It's super effective!
Psyduck fainted!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Growlithe (Lv.76 Growlithe)!
End of turn #4
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Growlithe: 187 HP
[G'P] Chispita has started watching.

Begin Turn #5
Metro Maestro Arena withdrew Gardevoir!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Milotic (Lv.60 Milotic)!
Growlithe used Toxic!
Milotic was badly poisoned!
Milotic is hurt by poison!
End of turn #5
Metro Maestro Arena's Milotic: 61% HP (Psn)
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Growlithe: 187 HP
[G'P] Chispita: suy o.o
Metro Maestro Arena: suy o.o

Begin Turn #6
-Saint Mu-[CC] withdrew Growlithe!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Ledian (Lv.74 Ledian)!
Milotic used Water Pulse!
(67 damage)
A critical hit!
Milotic is hurt by poison!
End of turn #6
Metro Maestro Arena's Milotic: 49% HP (Psn)
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP

Begin Turn #7
Metro Maestro Arena withdrew Milotic!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Swellow (Lv.70 Swellow)!
Ledian used Silver Wind!
(12% damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #7
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 88% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP

Begin Turn #8
-Saint Mu-[CC] withdrew Ledian!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Growlithe (Lv.76 Growlithe)!
Swellow used Quick Attack!
(53 damage)
End of turn #8
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 88% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Growlithe: 134 HP

Begin Turn #9
Swellow flew up high!
Growlithe used Iron Tail!
Growlithe's attack missed!
End of turn #9
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 88% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Growlithe: 134 HP

Begin Turn #10
Swellow used Fly!
(97 damage)
Growlithe used Toxic!
Growlithe's attack missed!
End of turn #10
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 88% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Growlithe: 37 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: Voló

Begin Turn #11
Swellow used Quick Attack!
(37 damage)
Growlithe fainted!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Ninetales (Lv.66 Ninetales)!
End of turn #11
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 88% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ninetales: 184 HP

Begin Turn #12
Swellow flew up high!
Ninetales used Frustration!
Ninetales's attack missed!
End of turn #12
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 88% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ninetales: 184 HP

Begin Turn #13
Swellow used Fly!
(76 damage)
Ninetales used Frustration!
(34% damage)
End of turn #13
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 54% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ninetales: 108 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: a eliminar a la otra perra
Metro Maestro Arena: o.o

Begin Turn #14
Swellow flew up high!
Ninetales used Frustration!
Ninetales's attack missed!
End of turn #14
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 54% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ninetales: 108 HP

Begin Turn #15
Swellow used Fly!
(81 damage)
Ninetales used Frustration!
(33% damage)
End of turn #15
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ninetales: 27 HP

Begin Turn #16
Swellow used Quick Attack!
(27 damage)
Ninetales fainted!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Ledian (Lv.74 Ledian)!
End of turn #16
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP

Begin Turn #17
Swellow flew up high!
Ledian used Frustration!
Ledian's attack missed!
End of turn #17
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP

Begin Turn #18
Ledian used Protect!
Ledian protected itself!
Swellow used Fly!
Ledian protected itself!
End of turn #18
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: otro q se va a des...
Metro Maestro Arena: OMG

Begin Turn #19
Swellow flew up high!
Ledian used Frustration!
Ledian's attack missed!
End of turn #19
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP

Begin Turn #20
Ledian used Protect!
Ledian protected itself!
Swellow used Fly!
Ledian protected itself!
End of turn #20
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: ._.

Begin Turn #21
Metro Maestro Arena withdrew Swellow!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Goldeen (Lv.79 Goldeen)!
Ledian used Frustration!
(22% damage)
End of turn #21
Metro Maestro Arena's Goldeen: 78% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Ledian: 99 HP

Begin Turn #22
Ledian used Silver Wind!
(23% damage)
Goldeen used Horn Drill!
(99 damage)
It's a one-hit KO!
Ledian fainted!
Metro Maestro Arena: :miedo:
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Magmar (Lv.66 Magmar)!
End of turn #22
Metro Maestro Arena's Goldeen: 55% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Magmar: 168 HP

Begin Turn #23
Magmar used Sunny Day!
The sunlight got bright!
Goldeen hid underwater!
The sunlight is strong.
End of turn #23
Metro Maestro Arena's Goldeen: 55% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Magmar: 168 HP

Begin Turn #24
Magmar used Swagger!
Magmar's attack missed!
Goldeen used Dive!
(37 damage)
It's super effective!
The sunlight is strong.
End of turn #24
Metro Maestro Arena's Goldeen: 55% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Magmar: 131 HP

Begin Turn #25
Metro Maestro Arena withdrew Goldeen!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Eevee (Lv.79 Eevee)!
Magmar used Karate Chop!
(60% damage)
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
The sunlight is strong.
End of turn #25
Metro Maestro Arena's Eevee: 40% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Magmar: 131 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: omg

Begin Turn #26
Magmar used Karate Chop!
(31% damage)
It's super effective!
Eevee used Body Slam!
(97 damage)
Magmar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The sunlight is strong.
Magmar's Sitrus Berry restored health!
End of turn #26
Metro Maestro Arena's Eevee: 9% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Magmar: 64 HP (Par)

Begin Turn #27
Eevee used Body Slam!
(64 damage)
Magmar fainted!
Magmar's Flame Body burned Eevee!
-Saint Mu-[CC] sent out Latias (Lv.56 Latias)!
The sunlight faded.
Eevee is hurt by its burn!
Eevee fainted!
Metro Maestro Arena: oh
Metro Maestro Arena: supongo q el 6-0
Metro Maestro Arena: no era posible
Metro Maestro Arena: :´(
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Milotic (Lv.60 Milotic)!
End of turn #27
Metro Maestro Arena's Milotic: 49% HP (Psn)
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 172 HP

Begin Turn #28
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(26% damage)
Milotic used Water Pulse!
(21 damage)
It's not very effective...
Milotic is hurt by poison!
End of turn #28
Metro Maestro Arena's Milotic: 16% HP (Psn)
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 151 HP

Begin Turn #29
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(16% damage)
Milotic fainted!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Swellow (Lv.70 Swellow)!
End of turn #29
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 151 HP

Begin Turn #30
Swellow flew up high!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
End of turn #30
Metro Maestro Arena's Swellow: 21% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 151 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: VUELAAAAA

Begin Turn #31
Swellow used Fly!
(70 damage)
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(21% damage)
Swellow fainted!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Goldeen (Lv.79 Goldeen)!
End of turn #31
Metro Maestro Arena's Goldeen: 55% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 81 HP

Begin Turn #32
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(51% damage)
Goldeen used Horn Drill!
Goldeen's attack missed!
End of turn #32
Metro Maestro Arena's Goldeen: 4% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 81 HP

Begin Turn #33
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(4% damage)
Goldeen fainted!
Metro Maestro Arena: meh
Metro Maestro Arena: me esta ganando un latias
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Alakazam (Lv.66 Alakazam)!
End of turn #33
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 81 HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]: si, mi amor Latias ^^

Begin Turn #34
Alakazam used Future Sight!
Alakazam foresaw an attack!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(37% damage)
End of turn #34
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 63% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 81 HP

Begin Turn #35
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Latias's Accuracy fell!
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
End of turn #35
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 63% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 172 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #36
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Latias's Accuracy fell!
Latias is fast asleep.
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(70 damage)
End of turn #36
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 63% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #37
Alakazam used Future Sight!
Alakazam foresaw an attack!
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #37
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 63% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #38
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Latias's Accuracy fell!
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(37% damage)
End of turn #38
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP

Begin Turn #39
Alakazam used Secret Power!
(22 damage)
Latias was poisoned!
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(70 damage)
End of turn #39
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #40
Alakazam used Future Sight!
Alakazam foresaw an attack!
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #40
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #41
Alakazam used Secret Power!
(24 damage)
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #41
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 78 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #42
Alakazam used Secret Power!
(22 damage)
Latias woke up!
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(70 damage)
End of turn #42
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: omg

Begin Turn #43
Alakazam used Future Sight!
Alakazam foresaw an attack!
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #43
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #44
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Alakazam's attack missed!
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #44
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 102 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #45
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Latias's Accuracy fell!
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(70 damage)
End of turn #45
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 32 HP

Begin Turn #46
Alakazam used Secret Power!
(23 damage)
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
End of turn #46
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 172 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: aahhhjjj

Begin Turn #47
Alakazam used Future Sight!
Alakazam foresaw an attack!
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #47
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 172 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #48
Alakazam used Confusion!
(28 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias is fast asleep.
End of turn #48
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 144 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #49
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Latias's Accuracy fell!
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
But it failed!
End of turn #49
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 144 HP

Begin Turn #50
Alakazam used Future Sight!
Alakazam foresaw an attack!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
End of turn #50
Metro Maestro Arena's Alakazam: 26% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 144 HP

Begin Turn #51
Alakazam used Kinesis!
Latias's Accuracy fell!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(25% damage)
Alakazam fainted!
Metro Maestro Arena sent out Gardevoir (Lv.62 Gardevoir)!
Gardevoir Traced Latias's Levitate!
End of turn #51
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 144 HP

Begin Turn #52
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen raised Special Defense!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(70 damage)
End of turn #52
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 74 HP

Begin Turn #53
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(22 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #53
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 52 HP

Begin Turn #54
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #54
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 52 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: forfeitea ya u.u

Begin Turn #55
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #55
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 149 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #56
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(22 damage)
It's not very effective...
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen wore off!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #56
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 72 HP (Slp)
[G'P] Chispita: o.o

Begin Turn #57
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #57
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 72 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #58
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #58
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 49 HP

Begin Turn #59
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Magical Leaf!
(18 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
But it failed!
End of turn #59
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 154 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: maldita cosa resteadora
Metro Maestro Arena: ¿cuantos rest le quedan?

Begin Turn #60
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #60
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 154 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #61
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Magical Leaf!
(18 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #61
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 100% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 136 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #62
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(30% damage)
Gardevoir used Magical Leaf!
(17 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #62
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 64 HP

Begin Turn #63
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #63
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 64 HP

Begin Turn #64
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen raised Special Defense!
End of turn #64
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 64 HP

Begin Turn #65
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #65
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: deja de restear

Begin Turn #66
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #66
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP (Slp)
[G'P] Chispita: suy o_o

Begin Turn #67
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
But it failed!
End of turn #67
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: es muy gei
Metro Maestro Arena: :´(

Begin Turn #68
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(24 damage)
It's not very effective...
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen wore off!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #68
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 15 HP

Begin Turn #69
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #69
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 172 HP (Slp)
-Saint Mu-[CC]: nunca forfeteo o rindo en batalla -.-

Begin Turn #70
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(24 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #70
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 148 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: pero cuantos rests le quedan esa maldita cosa?

Begin Turn #71
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #71
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 70% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 70 HP (Slp)
-Saint Mu-[CC]: no lo se, cuentalos xD

Begin Turn #72
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(32% damage)
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
Gardevoir's Figy Berry restored health!
End of turn #72
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 50% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 70 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: u.u

Begin Turn #73
Latias used Dragon Claw!
(33% damage)
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen raised Special Defense!
End of turn #73
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 70 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: damn

Begin Turn #74
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(24 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #74
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 93 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #75
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #75
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 93 HP (Slp)
-Saint Mu-[CC]: vamos mi Latias..

Begin Turn #76
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #76
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 70 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: esto ya es demsiado gay

Begin Turn #77
Latias woke up!
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(22 damage)
It's not very effective...
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen wore off!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #77
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 95 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #78
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
-Saint Mu-[CC]: solo son simples rest, no le veo lo gay
End of turn #78
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 95 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #79
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen raised Special Defense!
End of turn #79
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 95 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #80
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(25 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #80
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 15 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: y no se paraliza

Begin Turn #81
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #81
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 149 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #82
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #82
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 149 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #83
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
But it failed!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen wore off!
End of turn #83
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 149 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #84
Latias woke up!
Latias used Dragon Claw!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen raised Special Defense!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #84
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]: de suerte, se me acabo dragon Claw
-Saint Mu-[CC]: pero aun tengo otro xD

Begin Turn #85
Latias used Surf!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #85
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: lol
Metro Maestro Arena: ¿pero cuantos rests le quedan?
[G'P] Chispita: o_o
Metro Maestro Arena: contesta solo a eso
-Saint Mu-[CC]: no muchos
Metro Maestro Arena: ya ha dormido como 20 veces

Begin Turn #86
Latias used Surf!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Magical Leaf!
(18 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #86
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 76 HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]: solo tiene 16 rest

Begin Turn #87
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #87
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP (Slp)
Metro Maestro Arena: y ha hecho mas de 30

Begin Turn #88
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen wore off!
End of turn #88
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP (Slp)
-Saint Mu-[CC]: cuanta los rest en el log -.-

Begin Turn #89
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Light Screen!
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen raised Special Defense!
End of turn #89
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 94 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #90
Latias woke up!
Latias used Surf!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Thunderpunch!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #90
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 16 HP
Metro Maestro Arena: espra
Metro Maestro Arena: voy a contar los rests
-Saint Mu-[CC]: o.oU
-Saint Mu-[CC]: tu sigue la batalla xD
Metro Maestro Arena: fuk
Metro Maestro Arena: 12 rests

Begin Turn #91
Latias used Rest!
Latias went to sleep!
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #91
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 172 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #92
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Magical Leaf!
(18 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #92
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 154 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #93
Latias is fast asleep.
Gardevoir used Magical Leaf!
(38 damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
Metro Maestro Arena's team's Light Screen wore off!
Latias took Future Sight's attack!
(55 damage)
End of turn #93
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 61 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #94
Latias woke up!
Latias used Surf!
Latias's attack missed!
Gardevoir used Future Sight!
Gardevoir foresaw an attack!
End of turn #94
Metro Maestro Arena's Gardevoir: 17% HP
-Saint Mu-[CC]'s Latias: 61 HP

Begin Turn #95
Latias used Surf!
(17% damage)
A critical hit!
Gardevoir fainted!

End Battle! -Saint Mu-[CC] wins!
Score: 0 to 1
Metro Maestro Arena: OMG
-Saint Mu-[CC]: bien!
Metro Maestro Arena: Fucking latias

NetBattle v0.9.6
Log saved 23/04/2006 at 11:37:12 a.m.


Al principio gran ventaja de Arena con 5-1 pero al salir mi corazoncito de Latias, le dio tremenda paliza que hizo que Arena cayera en 1 - 0
Cuando este mi Latias en batallas en CC nunca me decepciona y menos cuando yo sea un Latios ^^

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Aproximándose a los dragones
Mensajes: 460
Registrado: Sab Dic 31, 2005 9:04 pm

Mensajepor ¤Genesis¤ »

...Cuando este mi Latias en batallas en CC nunca me decepciona y menos cuando yo sea un Latios ^^

que ma...mucho el sol .__.U
* Who's your daddy? * OLE OLE OLE * STATS FTW *