(Warstory) El tiempo se acaba...

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Registrado: Vie Abr 10, 2009 10:37 am

(Warstory) El tiempo se acaba...

Mensajepor eeveeto »

Rankeando por el beta me encontre a este tipo. Como siempre me pasa, al no llevar poke veneno obviamente tiene que tocarme gente con puas toxicas, gracias a las cuales la mitad de mi equipo tiene los turnos contados. Estas incluso no las vi venir antes del primer turno. Salir a flote fue extremadamente dificil. Por ello, decidi hacer la segunda Warstory de mi vida, que si bien no fue tan epica como la primera, tiene su punto. Disfruten.

Battle between [STATS PO] Eeveeto and RainbowRapidash started!

Tier: Wifi OU
Mode: Singles
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle
Variation: +21, -11

Your team: Latias / Rotom-W / Heracross / Heatran / Quagsire / Tyranitar
Opponent's team: Scolipede / Forretress / Heatran / Garchomp / Jellicent / Latias

La cosa parece clara. Scolipede saldra de Lead, me metera puas. Luego saldra Forr y metera rocas. Jellicent esta ahi para evitar que spinee ( y no tengo con que), o Latias o Heatran seran algun tipo de phazer y Chompy le dara la victoria. Ese es el plan que creo que tiene. Y si saco a Tyranitar para impedir las puas iniciales, hara una de 2: o sacar a Forr aun a riesgo de Fire Blast ( que no tengo, mi Tyranitar es Sub-Punch) o peor aun, resultara tener Bug Gem y me owneara. Aunque al no tener Tyranitar Roca Afilada ni lo pienso sacar. Heatran tiene miedo a terremoto, Quagsire y Rotom tardaran en matarlo y Latias morira por Megacuerno. La opcion es obvia: sacar a Heracross. Si tiene Sash, Cambiare a Tyranitar, no creo que me pegue megacuerno a Heracross. Si no tiene Sash, Heracross le metera OHKO.

[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Crossi! (Heracross)
RainbowRapidash sent out Scolipede!
Haxiel is watching the battle.

Start of turn 1
The foe's Scolipede used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of [STATS PO] Eeveeto's team!

Crossi used Stone Edge!
It's super effective!
The foe's Scolipede hung on using its Focus Sash!
The foe's Scolipede lost 99% of its health!

Y esto me cambia totalmente los planes. Tyranitar ya no podra usar Sub-Punch efectivamente, Quagsire es aun mas jodido. Heracross se beneficia por agallas, pero mi propia arena + el veneno lo haran morir rapido. De momento, seguire con el plan inicial.
Start of turn 2
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Crossi back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Tyrana! (Tyranitar)
Tyrana was poisoned!

Tyrana's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
The foe's Scolipede used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of [STATS PO] Eeveeto's team!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Scolipede is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Scolipede fainted!
Tyrana was hurt by poison!
RainbowRapidash sent out Garchomp!

Y puso la segunda fila. Sin esas puas toxicas, Quagsire se rie de Chomp, pero con ellas cambia todo. Aun asi, estoy totalmente bloqueado, asi que no me queda otra.

Start of turn 3
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Tyrana back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Quagsire!
Quagsire was badly poisoned!

The foe's Garchomp used Earthquake!
Quagsire lost 133 HP! (34% of its health)

The sandstorm rages.
Quagsire restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Quagsire was hurt by poison!

Aqui no parece haber band y esta claro que no es LO. Seguramente cambiara, a saber a que ( tiene 3 opciones, Forr, Jelli y Latias), de mientras me curare

Start of turn 4
RainbowRapidash called Garchomp back!
RainbowRapidash sent out Latias!

Quagsire used Recover!
Quagsire regained health!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Quagsire was hurt by poison!

No tengo persecucion en Tyranitar, pero sigue siendo la mejor opcion. Un Focus Punch dolera al probable Forretress y el resto reciben KO de al menos un ataque de Tyranitar

Start of turn 5
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Quagsire back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Tyrana! (Tyranitar)

The foe's Latias used Substitute!
The foe's Latias made a substitute!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana was hurt by poison!

Encima! Encima tiene un Latias totalmente staller. Este combate se esta poniendo muy dificil. Pues hale, a por el.

Start of turn 6
The foe's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Tyrana lost 81 HP! (20% of its health)

Tyrana used Crunch!
It's super effective!
The foe's Latias's substitute faded!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana was hurt by poison!

Quizas Heatran pueda contra Latias, eso si no es CM, que probablemente es

Start of turn 7
RainbowRapidash called Latias back!
RainbowRapidash sent out Forretress!

[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Tyrana back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Fire Boss! (Heatran)

The sandstorm rages.

Este movimiento suyo me es favorable. No conseguire nada poniendo rocas... asi que a freirlo.

Start of turn 8
Fire Boss used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
The foe's Forretress held on thanks to Sturdy!
The foe's Forretress lost 99% of its health!

The foe's Forretress used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around [STATS PO] Eeveeto's team!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Probablemente cambiara este turno. Ahora si conseguire algo poniendo rocas y es que ese bicho no vuelva

Start of turn 9
RainbowRapidash called Forretress back!
RainbowRapidash sent out Jellicent!

Fire Boss used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around RainbowRapidash's team!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Tal como pensaba. Pero ahora debo cambiar yo, aun a riesgo de recibir toxico. Pero puas toxicas + toxico ...

Start of turn 10
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Fire Boss back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Inundacion! (Rotom-W)
Pointed stones dug into Inundacion!

The foe's Jellicent used Night Shade!
Inundacion lost 100 HP! (32% of its health)

The sandstorm rages.
Inundacion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Inundacion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Primera vez que veo eso en Jelli. Espero que cambie a Latias, asi le podre quemar y reducir su vida. Si no cambia, tambien esta bien, Jell quemado tambien sufre.

Start of turn 11
Inundacion used Will-O-Wisp!
The attack of Inundacion missed!

The foe's Jellicent used Toxic!
Inundacion was badly poisoned!

The sandstorm rages.
Inundacion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Inundacion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Inundacion was hurt by poison!

Puff, para un poke que no es afectado por las puas toxicas lo pierdo por envenamiento. Encima fallo. Rotom esta debil, me intentare curar, no tengo nada mejor que hacer. Aunque cambie a Forretress, no me perjudicara mi movimiento

Start of turn 12
RainbowRapidash called Jellicent back!
RainbowRapidash sent out Forretress!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Forretress!
The foe's Forretress fainted!

Inundacion used Pain Split!
But there was no target...

The sandstorm rages.
Inundacion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Inundacion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Inundacion was hurt by poison!
RainbowRapidash sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Latias!

Que es lo que ocurre. Y aqui descubro que el movmiento si me perjudico, tiene sustituto gratis ahora. Incluso me es mejor que me mate a Rotom, pero estoy seguro de que no lo hara.

Start of turn 13
The foe's Latias used Substitute!
The foe's Latias made a substitute!

Inundacion used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Latias's substitute took the damage!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Inundacion back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Fire Boss! (Heatran)
Pointed stones dug into Fire Boss!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14
The foe's Latias used Roost!
The foe's Latias landed on the ground!
The foe's Latias regained health!

Fire Boss used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Latias's substitute faded!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Jo, es mas rapido que Heatran. Y eso que lo tengo con maxima velocidad. Espero que al menos no se le ocurra tener paz mental

Start of turn 15
The foe's Latias used Calm Mind!
The foe's Latias's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Latias's Sp. Def. rose!

Fire Boss used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Latias lost 22% of its health!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

T.T mis esperanzas de ganar este combate ya se desvanecen. Tyranitar intentara impedir que se boostee mucho.

Start of turn 16
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Fire Boss back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Tyrana! (Tyranitar)
Pointed stones dug into Tyrana!

The foe's Latias used Substitute!
The foe's Latias made a substitute!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana was hurt by poison!

Start of turn 17
The foe's Latias used Roost!
The foe's Latias landed on the ground!
The foe's Latias regained health!

Tyrana used Crunch!
It's super effective!
The foe's Latias's substitute faded!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana was hurt by poison!

Start of turn 18
The foe's Latias used Substitute!
The foe's Latias made a substitute!

Tyrana used Crunch!
It's super effective!
The foe's Latias's substitute faded!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrana was hurt by poison!

Start of turn 19
The foe's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Tyrana lost 98 HP! (24% of its health)
Tyrana fainted!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Pues hale, ahora toca sacrificar a Crossi y seguir luchando para que no se boostee.

[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Crossi! (Heracross)
Pointed stones dug into Crossi!
Crossi was badly poisoned!

Start of turn 20
The foe's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Crossi lost 172 HP! (56% of its health)

Crossi used Megahorn!
It's super effective!
The foe's Latias lost 65% of its health!
The foe's Latias fainted!

The sandstorm rages.
Crossi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Crossi was hurt by poison!
RainbowRapidash sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Heatran!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Se confio y por eso perdio a un poke que me podia sweepear entero. Pero aun quedan Heatran y Garchomp. Y probablemente tenga que luchar vs Jellicent sin Heracross ya, esta muy debil, solo podra entrar una vez mas al campo y atacar una vez. De momento me las tengo que arreglar para vencer al Heatran que tengo delante. Probablemente es phazer, asi que existe la ligera oportunidad de que no lleve Tierra Viva. Basicamente, sigo estando entre la espada y la pared y el combate lo dirige mi rival. Yo me veo forzado a moverme de determinada manera y casi ningun turno tengo eleccion.

Start of turn 21
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Crossi back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Fire Boss! (Heatran)
Pointed stones dug into Fire Boss!

The foe's Heatran used Substitute!
The foe's Heatran made a substitute!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Omg, esto o es Toxic Staller o es Champion Tormentan. Si es lo primero, llevara tierra viva. En el segundo caso tambien es posible, pero menos probable. Sigo estando forzado a actuar de determinada manera... asi que...

Start of turn 22
Fire Boss used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Heatran's substitute faded!

The foe's Heatran used Torment!
Fire Boss is now tormented!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Tormentan! Pues no le puedo dañar ahora. Pero si no tiene tierra viva, el a mi tampoco.

Start of turn 23
RainbowRapidash called Heatran back!
RainbowRapidash sent out Jellicent!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jellicent!

Fire Boss used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mirando ahora el log, pienso que PO Hielo era algo 1000 veces mejor este turno. Al menos haria daño miserable a alguien y si hubiese salido chomp... Pues a sacrificar a Rotom.

Start of turn 24
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Fire Boss back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Inundacion! (Rotom-W)
Pointed stones dug into Inundacion!

The foe's Jellicent used Scald!
It's not very effective...
Inundacion lost 30 HP! (9% of its health)

The sandstorm rages.
Inundacion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Inundacion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Inundacion was hurt by poison!

Otro fallo de mi rival. Ahora puedo curarme.

Start of turn 25
RainbowRapidash called Jellicent back!
RainbowRapidash sent out Garchomp!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Garchomp!

Inundacion used Pain Split!
The battlers shared their pain!

The sandstorm rages.
Inundacion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Inundacion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Inundacion was hurt by poison!

Muy ariesgado por su parte, podia haberlo quemado. Pues veamos. Con un enfado me revienta a todos menos a Heatran. Con garra dragon, de tenerla, Quagsire resistiria un golpe y Latias tendria una ligera posibilidad de resistir otra, pero es poco probable. Existe la opcion de que sea sub-SD o SD sin mas. SD sin mas caeria ante Quagsire o Heatran. Sub-SD stallearia a Quagsire, mataria a Latias y si se atrapa en Enfado no tendria tanto riesgo de ser matado por mi Heatran. Mi Latias no podra vencer ni al Heatran rival ni a Jellicent. Asi que... le toca morir. A saber como.

Start of turn 26
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Inundacion back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Latias!

The foe's Garchomp used Outrage!
It's super effective!
Latias lost 319 HP! (87% of its health)
Latias fainted!

The sandstorm rages.
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Fire Boss! (Heatran)
Pointed stones dug into Fire Boss!

Ultimo fallo que comete mi rival en esta partida por confiarse mucho. Y el decisivo. Basicamente he ganado este turno. Hare lo obvio.

Start of turn 27
The foe's Garchomp used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Fire Boss lost 108 HP! (33% of its health)
The foe's Garchomp calmed down!
The foe's Garchomp became confused!

Fire Boss used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Garchomp lost 49% of its health!
The foe's Garchomp fainted!

The sandstorm rages.
RainbowRapidash sent out Jellicent!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jellicent!

GG Chomp. Y ahora toca sacrificar a Rotom, ya no hara nada mas a pesar de tener STABs efectivos contra ambos rivales. Jellicent no lleva mofa por lo que intentare stallearle con Quagsire si Heracross no lo consigue matar.

Start of turn 28
[STATS PO] Eeveeto called Fire Boss back!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Inundacion! (Rotom-W)
Pointed stones dug into Inundacion!

The foe's Jellicent used Night Shade!
Inundacion lost 100 HP! (32% of its health)

The sandstorm rages.
Inundacion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Inundacion fainted!
The foe's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Crossi! (Heracross)
Pointed stones dug into Crossi!

Y Heracross sale para despedirse. Tengo un 80 % de matar a Jellicent si se queda. Si se va, Heatran probablemente morira o se quedara muy debil por la roca afilada band boosteada por agallas. Mi propio Heatran le remataria y Quagsire entablaria una stallwar con Jelli que seria dificil de ganar aunque yo tendria la ventaja de tener a Heatran tambien.

Start of turn 29
Crossi used Stone Edge!
The foe's Jellicent lost 75% of its health!
The foe's Jellicent fainted!

The sandstorm rages.
Crossi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Crossi was hurt by poison!
Crossi fainted!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto sent out Fire Boss! (Heatran)
Pointed stones dug into Fire Boss!

RainbowRapidash sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Heatran!

Win. Heracross murio como un heroe tras salvarme la partida antes.

Start of turn 30
The foe's Heatran used Protect!
The foe's Heatran protected itself!

Fire Boss used Earth Power!
The foe's Heatran protected itself!

The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31
Fire Boss used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Heatran lost 68% of its health!
The foe's Heatran fainted!

[STATS PO] Eeveeto won the battle!
[STATS PO] Eeveeto: Si lees este mensaje es que no te has rendido. Esa es una buena actitud. Aprende de tu derrota y sigue adelante. Algun dia, seras tu el que gane.
RainbowRapidash: LOLOLOLOL

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

Y este combate demuestra como no hay que confiarse si tienes toda la ventaja del mundo. Espero que os haya gustado.
Spoiler: Mostrar
vaporeon inundara tu casa ... flareon quemara la de tu vecino ... jolteon te electrocutara ... espeon te dara dolores de cabeza ... umbreon te hara desaparecer en la oscuridad ... leafeon pondra plantas carnivoras en tu jardin ... glaceon congelara la ciudad en el invierno ... Y yo , eeveeto me encargare de que todo lo anterior se cumpla xD


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Mensajes: 43
Registrado: Mié Abr 25, 2012 4:37 pm

Re: (Warstory) El tiempo se acaba...

Mensajepor VallejoMC »

Muy buena battle eeveeto ^^